Day 116 (T, 110426) — Experiment: A Slight Change to Occam’s Protocol

Today I tried something new for my Workout A: I switched my pull down from the traditional wide bar with a supinated grip to using a V-Bar.



Why?  Because I really want to increase the load on my biceps and make them bigger.*

Yeah yeah, I know: it’s all vanity . . . but hey, honestly, isn’t that what most dieting is about?

I am doing this for health reasons as well (I want to be around for a long time for my family) but I admit that the lion’s share of what I do regarding dieting and working out is to appease my sense of self-worth when I look in the mirror.  (Stupid or not, it’s true regardless of what I may try and tell myself).

Thus, the switch.  Let’s see how that worked out for me . . . . .


This morning was my twelfth Workout A (lats/biceps and shoulders).

(1) Close-grip pull-down (V-Bar grip) × 170 pounds

This was my first attempt to use the different grip from what is suggested in the 4 Hour Body.  With it, I hit 8 good reps (5/5 count).  It definitely felt different, but good. Next time: 180

(2) Machine shoulder press × 110 pounds

4.5 good reps this time.  Next time: still 110

Workout A 110426


I felt good this morning as I ran to my workout.

  • Distance: 5.77 mi
  • Duration: 1:12:13
  • Calories Burned: 905
  • Average Pace: 12:31 / mi
  • Average Speed: 4.79 mph
  • Elevation Climb: 247 ft

This was 3 minutes slower than my similar run last Friday.  Almost exactly 30 second slower per mile.  Oh well.  Just keep swimming just keep swimming just keep swimming just keep swimming…. 😉


Breakfast: protein powder x 2, AGG, greens vitamin

Lunch: steak, green beans, zucchini and squash, AGG, Cissus

Lunch 110426


Other Food Throughout the Day: diet cherry coke, kombucha


* He recommends three exercises to really develop the biceps muscle.  Since I am still interested in getting my results in a really short workout, I am only adapting one of the exercises I already do to fall in line with one of his suggestions.  I do want to make my upper arms bigger, but I am not in such a hurry and still have other things to do in my life besides spend it in the gym.  NTTAWWT. 😉

4 responses to “Day 116 (T, 110426) — Experiment: A Slight Change to Occam’s Protocol

  1. I hadn’t looked at the Occam’s workouts for a while. After all the reading I have been doing and now looking back at the workouts, they don’t make sense to me. Even if you are working out alone there is no need for machines. John you always give me great ideas for blog posts thanks!

    What I do …
    Pull ups which are much better than pull downs, if they are too easy you can add a weigh belt or do them 1 handed, if they are too hard use an assisted machine or chair.
    Right now I do pullups in a full pike position which is the best lower ab exercise I have ever done and I have added over 1″ on my arms.

    Leg press is a pretty useless exercise, I would always do squats and deadlifts, if I am by myself would use a smith machine or lighter weight. If you do any running, heavy deadlifts are the best exercise for speed and endurance. Right now I do single leg pistol squats with bodyweight only, and single leg deadlifts with 2x20lb kettlebells no spotter needed.

    • GD WordPress. I’ve lost my comment twice now so here is the abbreviated version of what was a long and thoughtful f-ing post….

      I use OP to get stronger and look better. I workout about 15 minutes per week. That’s all.

      I am stronger now than I was. I look better – my muscles are (getting) bigger, better toned, and are shaped better.

      Am I getting bodybuilder results? Nope. Then again, I am not spending hour upon hour in the gym either.

      If someone wants to do that, good on them. I say go for it and don’t look back . . . but it is not for me. I have way too much going on in the rest of my life to spend more time working out than I do.

      (Hells, I have to get up at 0400 just to get my workout in in the first place. having three homeschooled kids and a wife pregnant with twins really puts a damper on my ability to do anything extracurricular in the afternoons and evenings.)

      Anyway, I won’t get into a discussion about the relative merits of different exercises with you. There’s too much potential there for trouble.

      I like what is happening to my body (workout-wise) and, while I may make small adaptations like I did today, I don’t see myself making wholesale changes to the plan. For now, anyway.

      Who knows, maybe I’ll change my mind later but right now, OP is a great program for me.


      Cheers! =)

      • Man you hate my comments 🙂

        I am in the same boat as you. I get up early to workout, 5:30 am though not 0400 jesus that is early!!! I workout max 15 mins, plus any stretching and foam rolling. Any only 3-4 times a week. And I run once a week usually only 2-3KM (1.2-1.8miles).

        Not saying you should change anything, just got me thinking about the program and what I do giving my opinion.

        I forgot to mention my point. Occam’s seems to be too focused on bodybuilding, and not much on athleticism, which is weird because the speed and endurance chapters could easily be combined with the Occam’s stuff to provided added benefit. It is possible to have MED workout, and increase VO2 max, anaerobic capacity, and gain size. I think this is the problem with Tim writing these chapters at different times and not correlating some things.

        My only opinion of your workout is that all the running is probably causing some muscle catabolism, but I like running too and don’t care about that either.

        Pictures do speak a thousand words though 😉

        • Nah, I don’t hate your comments. Anytime I have to answer (intelligent) comments or questions, forcing me to examine my thoughts and actions, is time well spent. =)

          Strangely, I don’t like running so much as I use it as my only aerobic exercise. I used to hate* running but have learned how to do it in a way which works with my body. Plus I’ve found that I can run to my workouts and doing that twice a week suits me. While getting up early sucks, it lets me get in both my exercise bits at the same time (resistance training and aerobic training), leaving me free to do all the other stuff I need to do during the day.**

          If I can work in an extra run during the week, I do but that is pretty darn rare. =/

          And I bet you’re right: it may be reducing any muscle gains for now. I’m ok with that as my primary focus is losing weight and my secondary goal is reshaping my upper body. Later on, once I hit my weight and BF% goals, I’ll probably switch to a muscle gaining program like Geek-to-Freak. We;ll see.

          As for the pictures, you rock, man. Keep it up. =)

          * My quote was always, “If you see my running, try to keep up . . . because there’s something scary as hell behind me.” 😉
          ** As an added bonus, it lets me either gather my thoughts and/or listen to one of my hundreds of audiobooks. =)

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