Day 055-2 (F, 120224) — A Bit of Humor

Yeah, I feel this way sometimes . . . .

Nom Nom Nom

Now, the Humor.  Here’s a post from a member about an unfortunate event which brought a lady to stand before a judge: Hanging by a Boob.

While conducting some business at the Courthouse, I overheard a lady, who had been arrested for assaulting a Mammogram Technician, say, “Your Honor, I’m guilty but . . . there were extenuating circumstances.”

The female Judge said, sarcastically, “I’d certainly like to hear those extenuating circumstances.”

I did too, soooo I listened as the lady told her story. . . . .

Click the link to read the rest of the story. 😉

Ever worked out so hard your hand did this?

Working Out Too Hard

I think I need one of these for the ride home from the gym.  But there’s a problem with this version.  Can you spot it?*

How to undo all the cardio you just did . . .

Bike Mod Level = Primo

Youth Potion.  Too bad most of us don’t have a Fountain of Youth like whatever these people are using . . . . Surprise most impressive un-transformations?  James Lipton and Pauley Perrette!


“A small daily task, if it be really daily, will beat the labours of a spasmodic Hercules.” — Anthony Trollope

Exercise.  And if I don’t do anything daily, Mr. Trollope?  What are you gonna do then, huh, tough guy?!?**

My nonexistent attempts at working out over the past two weeks are comical.  I last worked out on Monday, 2/14.  Since then, I played Ultimate last Saturday but that’s it.  Not a push-up.  Not a second of plank.  Nada damn thing.

Between working late, having friends over, giving blood, being tired and hungry . . . I’ve used up all my excuses for the next few months.  Today I have an equally good excuse — my in-laws are coming to town.  I hope I choose not to take it.


* It’s not Guinness in the beer holder.
** Laugh at my fat ass, I suspect. 😉

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