Day 273 (F, 110930) — Celebrating My Anniversary

Free Day.  Today is a Free Day while I celebrate yesterday’s tenth anniversary with Mrs. New John.  I am one lucky son of a gun.

Thank you, Mrs. NJ.  I love you with everything I am.

Running.  Slow, short, and weak today.  Blah.  But at least I went.  Stats for today:

  • Distance: 6.22 mi
  • Duration: 1:15:01
  • Average Pace: 12:04 / mi
  • Average Speed: 4.98 mph
  • Calories Burned: 1069
  • Climb: 313

I wonder if I’ll get to go again tomorrow morning . . . it sure would be nice to get to run twice in a week.


Exercise. Because I am taking a Free Day today, and because I got to run this morning, I’ll do my next UPs workout tomorrow.


The Results.  I weighed-in today so I would not be scared tomorrow morning by some post-Free Day numbers.  Did eating well this week and running this morning make a difference?

Date Weight BF% BF #
Week 00: 110101 228.5 29.7 67.9
Week 38: 110924 204.9 26.1 53.4
Week 39: 110930* 202.5 25.5 51.6
Δ from last -2.4 -1.1 -1. 8
Δ from start -25 -4.9 -16.3

Down a few today. That’s nice. . . at least I’m heading in the right direction again. =)


A Bit of Fun.  I wonder if they’ll have these deep-fried foodie wonders at the Great State Fair of Texas this year?

Rat finds a Free Day treat

Then again, there’s always this to look forward to. =D


Plan for Week 39.

Day Fast? SCD? Run/Exer?
Sunday No Yes No
Monday Yes Yes Yes
Tuesday Yes Yes No
Wednesday Yes Yes Yes
Thursday Yes Yes No
Friday No No Yes
Saturday No Yes Yes
Red = a negative deviation | Green = a positive deviation | Blue = a note


* FFR — this is one day earlier than my normal weigh-in day.

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